To apply for a disabled parking placard or license plate, you must complete and submit a completed Disabled Parking Plates or Placard Application (MED 10). You can submit your application:
By mail:
Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
P. O. Box 85815
Richmond, VA 23285-5815
Temporary and permanent placards for citizens are free of charge. With the required certification, a person with a valid, unexpired license plate may get the International Symbol of Access.
Your application for a temporary or permanent disabled parking placard or license plate must include a certification of your disability from your physician, physician's assistant, nurse practitioner, podiatrist or chiropractor. Podiatrists and chiropractors may only certify for the conditions or disabilities listed in the certification section provided for podiatrists and chiropractors on the MED 10 form. Refer to the Certification table on the MED 10 to determine the medical professional authorized to certify your allowable condition.
Certification Exceptions:
A certification from a physician, physician's assistant, nurse practitioner, podiatrist or chiropractor is not required if:
Organizations wishing to get disabled placards must present an Institutional/Organizational Disabled Parking Plates or Placard Application (MED 11). This application must include a certification that the vehicle is registered in the name of the institution/organization and used routinely to transport citizens with disabilities.
If you are applying for a disabled veteran's license plate with the International Symbol of Access, you must present the License Plate Application (VSA 10) and either:
Veterans with a qualifying disability are exempt from annual registration fees and are entitled to plates for one motor vehicle that is owned and used personally by the veteran.
You may determine the delivery status of your placard using the Disabled Placard Delivery Status transaction.